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Our web site includes a "self-serve" quotation system which can give you an instant quotation. It's easy!

Pick any item you want included in the quotation by clicking "add to list" from the details page for that product. You will see a list of products you have selected. You can remove items from the list and change the quantity.

Click on:

  • "Continue Shopping" return to the main site and add as may products as you want.
  • "Print Quote" to see the formatted quotation on your computer. Click on the printer icon in the top left corner to print the quote.
  • "Email Quote" to have a pdf version of the quote emailed to you.
  • "Place Order" if you wish to send us an order list. This is not an online shopping system, and there is no method of making on-line payments. We will contact you for payment or expect a confirmation order. If you wish to purchase on line, a range of switches and toys is available at our sister site: http://switchadapted.com.au/