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Big Button Phones

Phones for disability access and aged care

These Big Button Phones have special features to meet the needs of the elderly. including clear uncomplicated buttons and labels and boosted volume for the hearing impaired. Some models have the added feature of an SOS auto-dial system that will automatically call family or support people if the user needs help.

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Care100 Big Button Phone
$117.00 (including 10 % tax) $130.00
You Save: 10.00%
Ergonomic hand piece and fantastic earpiece amplification


Care80 Big Button Phone, Picture Dialling
$105.00 (including 10 % tax)
6 large picture memory buttons. Amplified receiver, extra loud ringer


Jellybean Cordless Switch Transmitter Only
Compact wireless Jellybean Switch - needs separate 433Mhz Radio Link receiv


Telstra SP817 Big Button Phone (Phone Only)
Suits people with vision, hearing, speech and physical disabilities


Telstra SP817 Big Button Phone, With 13cm Big Switch
$340.00 (including 0 % tax)
Big Button Corded Telephone with big button disability switch access


Telstra SP817 Big Button Phone, With 6cm Jellybean Switch
$350.00 (including 0 % tax)
Big Button Corded Telephone with big button disability switch access


Telstra SP817 Big Button Phone, with backup power
$230.00 (including 0 % tax)
Big Button Corded Telephone with power supply allows disability switch acce
