Z-Wave FAKRO Window Opener

Z-Wave FAKRO Window Opener

Price :  $440.00 (including 10 % tax)

Quick Overview

The FAKRO Z-Wave W/Chain Winder 12V is an automated system that controls ventilation openings and can contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor climate. The European engineered, manufactured and certified FAKRO Z-Wave Chain Winder is the perfect solution to inaccessible windows and centralised managed buildings with automated natural ventilation.

  • Program in conjunction with the FAKRO ZWMP Weather Module, for automated window closing upon detecting rain and windfall
  • Remote control functionality for ease of use
  • Overload protection
  • Easily programmable to communicate with compatible Z-Wave gateways
  • Automatic switch off once fully extended


Product Details

For the most convenient use of your motorised window system, the FAKRO Z-Wave Chain Winder allows for remote accessibility anywhere around the home. Featuring an intuitive button prompt command process, this Z-Wave Chain Winder can easily be included into any existing Z-Wave system.

From skylights, awnings, tilted fixtures to bottom-hung/top-hung windows, the Chain Winder can be installed into many common window fittings. For the best results and consideration for your safety, always rely on a qualified electrician to install the Z-Wave Chain Winder device for you. The Chain Winder interacts with other Z-Wave products through a two-way radio communication system, which allows for uninterrupted operation on a consistent basis. The catch holder comfortably connects to the actuator chain for a strong and durable fitting, while the programming and manual operation buttons allow for easy inclusion with other Z-Wave devices.

Installation options:

  1. Skylight or awning – fixed mounting (inside frame)
  2. Skylight or awning – with angle brackets (inside frame)
  3. Tilt or awning window – fixed mounting (sash mounted)
  4. Tilt or awning window – with angle brackets (sash mounted)
  5. Tilt or awning window - frame mounted

Compatible with HouseMate environment control

The Z~Series is compatible with our HouseMate environment control system (ECS). Providing disability access to control appliances and devices via your wireless network. This can be achieved using Z~Series in conjunction with an Android or iOS phone or Tablet paired with the HouseMate ECS and suitably accessible switch.

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